What is Dance Movement Therapy (DMT)?
DMT is defined by the European Association Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT) as ‘the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual and social integration of the individual.
International Dance Movement Therapy Symposium, Helsinki, 2023
We are eager to invite you to the International Dance Movement Therapy Symposium and GA of 2023 in Helsinki, Finland.
WORKSHOPS will take place on the 6th -7th of October 2023
GENERAL ASSEMBLY is going to be on the 7th and 8th of October 2023.
To learn more check the website of the Finnish Association at: https://tanssiterapia.net/eadmt-ga-2023/
More information coming soon
Dr. Rosemarie Samaritter is a registered dance movement therapist and supervisor and an independent researcher. With more than 40 years of clinical experience she has built specific expertise in the application of DMT in complex trauma, personality disorders, neurodiversity and disorders with impaired sense of self.
As one of the pioneers of DMT in the Netherlands, she was involved in the development of the first BA training in dance therapy, now situated at Zuyd
University of Applied Sciences and the initiation of the dance therapy chapter of the Dutch Association of Creative Therapies, the predecessor of the current Dutch Association of Dance Movement Therapists (NVDAT). As an associate professor at Codarts University of the Arts Rotterdam, Rosemarie was involved in the Master ofArts’ DMT curriculum and conducted DMT related research. Currently, her specific research interest is in documenting DMT interventions from first-hand knowledge of DMT practitioners and develop systematic intervention descriptions. For severalyears, Rosemarie participated in the EADMT research chapter. She teaches, presents and publishes regularly on DMT theory, methods and research in the Netherlands and abroad.
Choreographies of Change, independent academic space for DMT:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7717-5712
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mljXpAcAAAAJ&hl=en
15 years into European Association of Dance Movement Therapy:
From co-creating a professional identity towards unfolding professional landscapes
With the upcoming conference, we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the European Association for Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT), at a time when Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) is advancing in Europe and globally.
EADMT’s 5th conference revolves around three central themes: VISIBILITY – VITALITY – VISION.
With these themes and a range of related questions, EADMT has opened a broad horizon for participants to reflect on our profession and the various challenges for DMT in the professional field. Contributions to the conference reflect multiple perspectives informed by personal practices, national and international developments, and current societal, economic, and political contexts.
The keynote address will examine the integral role of the EADMT in co-creating a professional identity from various national traditions. The discussion will also explore how the current DMT landscape is relevant to contemporary questions and future directions for the European DMT community.
Over the past 15 years, the EADMT, in collaboration with numerous dedicated colleagues, has evolved into a systemic container for the European DMT community, where members find each other to advance the profession. However, several challenges persist, including:
– enhancing the professional profile of DMT
– articulating and showcasing DMT’s specific contributions to the mental health field
– adapting to changing societal contexts and challenges
– building budgets for professional development and research
The keynote address will explore how our artistic roots, clinical identities, and academic and philosophical foundations can enhance and vitalise our vision and visibility. We will discuss models from organisational aesthetics (Creed et al., 2020) that incorporate concepts such as resonance (Rosa, 2016) and aesthetic unfolding (Barrett, 2000). These models may be well-suited to develop comprehensive frameworks that promote sustainable structures for the European DMT community, helping us stabilise and expand our position within the Creative Arts Therapies (CATs) and in the broader context of health and well-being.
Soon to be announced
Soon to be announced
Soon to be announced
DMT is defined by the European Association Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT) as ‘the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual and social integration of the individual.