rules of procedures


1. Language

The working language of the association is English.

2. Reimbursement – Meetings

2.1. Reimbursement is given to the Board Members.

2.2. The Board Members are committed to minimise expenses of the meetings.

2.3. Reimbursement is only given to real expenses of second class low cost travel and low cost accommodation.

2.4. The treasurer proposes and manages an expenses budget per meeting.

2.5. Meetings should always happen in a place that is the most cost efficient.

2.6. The Board Member who hosts the Board Meeting receives an amount of Euro 150,- to cover the costs of accommodation in his own apartment, meals and provision of a meeting place.

3. Reimbursement – Administration

Claims of phone calls and postage are not reimbursed. Members can use free communication systems; Skype and Email.

4. Reimbursement – General

4.1. There is no reimbursement for loss of income.

4.2. A request for out of the ordinary expenses can be made to the Board for consideration.

5. Administration

5.1. There is no physical office or paid administrator. All administration will be carried out by the Board.

5.2. The General Assembly can decide on establishing an office and/or administrator.

5.3. The budget will cover general administration costs.

5.4. There is one Email address for communication with the board:


6. Application and renweal procedure

6.1. The applicant requests the application documents (including Statutes, Requirements, Ethical Code, Rules of Procedures, etc.)

6.2. Application for membership has to be sent by email to the official email address:

6.3. The Board acknowledges receipt of application and requests the application fee in order to proceed.

6.4. When the fee is received the application will be forwarded to the two members of the membership committee. In case of disagreement among the two members of the membership committee the application is taken to the whole Board.

6.5. The membership committee commits to respond within 6 months and will give a recommendation to the General Assembly.

6.6. In order to be approved by the General Assembly the application has to be turned in no later than 6 months before the General Assembly meeting.

6.7. Membership renewal process for Full Members takes place every 5 years. Peer reviewing countries are chosen by lottery.

6.7.1.Renewal countries are requested to prepare the documents (including Statutes, Requirements, Ethical Code, Rules of Procedures, etc.) in accordance with renewal form and translate in English from original documents required sections.

6.7.2.The renewal form, the statement of commitment and documents translated in English has to be sent to the official email of the membership committee

6.7.3.Membership Committee forward the documents to the peer reviewing countries.

6.7.4.Peer review countries check the presented documentation and contact the membership committee in case of any ambiguity until all the questions are resolved. Membership committee is coordinating the communication between the peer review countries.

6.7.5.When the reviewing process is finished reviewing countries shall return checked and signed renewal forms to the membership committee.

6.7.6.Membership committee collects information from all reviewing countries and prepares recommendations for voting in GA.

7. Members

See article 4 and 5 of the statutes.

8. Annual Membership Fee

Full Professional Member: € 250,-

Full Basic Member € 200,-

Associate Member and Global Affiliate Member € 100,-

9. Application Fee

The application fee € 50,-

The application fee is non-refundable.

10. Recoverability

All annual membership fees must be paid on the basis of the fiscal year (June-May) and will be required by the 1st of June of the coming year.

11. Changes in Membership Status

11.1. Where a member is accepted at the GA to upgrade their Membership status, the fee difference will be invoiced following the said GA meeting. In this event, where the Member meets the requirements of the next level of membership, 75% of the new annual fee will be paid.

11.2. Where a member’s status is downgraded by a majority vote of the GA, the member ship fee for the following year will be charged at half price.

11.3. Where a review process identifies issues that require a Member to downgrade their membership status, this Member will be offered support and guidance to retain their current status until the following fiscal year.

11.3.1. The Membership Application Committee will work with this Member to identify areas for improvement and provide a clear action plan.

11.3.2. This process will take place between the GA meeting and May 1st of the following year.


12. Requirements for Delegates of Full Members

12.1. Each Member chooses a Delegate for the EADMT according to their own procedures.

12.2. Only the Delegates of Full Members have the right to vote at the General Assembly.

12.3. All Delegates should be proficient in the English language.

12.4. The Delegates must be a dance/movement therapist.

12.5. A Delegate should be a professional member of his/her national association.

12.6. All these requirements also apply for the Deputy Delegate.

12.7. Every Delegate has to be willing to take over a Board position.

12.8. 6 months prior to the General Assembly the Members confirm their Delegate and Deputy Delegate.

13. Requirements for Delegates of Associate Members

13.1. Each Member chooses a Delegate for the EADMT according to their own procedures.

13.2. The Delegates of Associate Members have no voting rights at the General Assembly.

13.3. All Delegates should be proficient in the English language.

13.4. The Delegates must be a dance/movement therapist.

13.5. A Delegate should be a professional member of his/her national association.

13.6. All these requirements also apply for the Deputy Delegate.

14. General

14.1. Delegates are responsible for all communication between Members and the Board. There will be no personal communication between the Board of the Member association and the EADMT Board.

14.2. The Board will decide procedures for internal communication.

14.3. The Delegate has the responsibility to inform the Deputy Delegate, the EADMT Board, and the Member association Board in case of his/her absence, illness, or other impediment.


15. Date and Place of the General Assembly

15.1. The General Assembly is to be held between September and November.

15.2. The General Assembly is held by one of the Members of EADMT.

15.3. The Association hosting the General Assembly receives 1300 Euro to cover the costs of organizing the General Assembly, including: renting a space for the meeting, providing coffee breaks and lunch for the participants and accommodation for the board members.

16. Chairman of the meetings

The President of the Board, or in his/her absence, one other Board Member, chairs the General Assembly.

17. Minutes

17.1. The format of the minutes has to contain the following requirements of the court:

a) Date, Place

b) Number, names and country of attendees,

c) Name of chairperson

d) resolutions passed with voting statistics (number of votes, approval, refusal, abstention)

e) voting result with number of votes

f) for voting new Board members: complete name, address, occupation, and function within the Board with information to the acceptance of the vote

g) signature of the President and the minute taker. These signatures have to be on the original of the minutes.

17.2. All people mentioned in the minutes should be identified by full name and country they represent.

17.3. The minutes have to go within 6 weeks after the meeting to the President and within 8 weeks distributed to the members.

18. Voting procedures for the Board

18.1. Existing Board Members can be re-elected for a second and third term.

18.2. Existing Board Members do not need to adopt the role of Delegate of their Member Association for the purposes of re-election.

18.3. In addition, Delegates of Full Members are eligible for election to the Board.

18.4. For electing the Board each Delegate has one or two voting papers depending on § 4.1 of the Statutes. Each Delegate chooses three candidates per voting paper.

18.5. The candidates who receive the most votes will be on the Board.


19. Candidates

19.1. All Full Member Delegates are potential candidates for the Board.

19.2. For the Inaugural General Assembly one month prior to the meeting each Delegate, in accordance with his/her national association, should formalise their candidature.

19.3. For the following General Assemblies all candidates should be presented three months in advance of the meeting.

19.4. Formalisation includes a resumé of the candidate’s professional development and competence, and their interest in standing as a Board Member.

20. Composition

20.1. The General Assembly decides on the number of Board Members.

20.2. For the first term of the EADMT 5 Board Members are recommended.

20.3. The Board Members decide on who will take on the position of the president, treasurer and secretary general and any other responsibilities.

21. Validation of the Rules of Procedures

The above Rules of Procedures are accepted by the General Assembly in Munich, on October, 25, 2010 and revisions accepted in Edinburgh on October 20th 2012, and Budapest on October 3rd 2015, on Oct 3rd 2020 (online) and in Helsinki on Oct 7th 2023. Changes to the Rules of Procedure can be proposed by the Board or a member. A proposal must be received by the Board three months in advance of the General Assembly.

Revised 03/Oct./2015
Revised 05/Oct./2019
Revised 03/Oct./2020
Revised 07/Oct./2023