Dance Movement Therapy Association Denmark was established in Copenhagen in 2007. Among the founders were the internationally known DMT pioneer Vivian Persson and dance and movement psychotherapist, associate professor Helle Winther. The first wave of members were all educated internationally and covered together different DMT methods.
The core group of the members were educated in the energy-based dance therapy form Dansergia through the Institute for Life Energy, EU. The first DMT education in Denmark was established through Institute for Life Energy Cph, in 2009.
Most of our current members are educated Dansergia, as this was the main education in Denmark for several years. Today the Institute of Dance Movement Therapy is the current education in Denmark. The institute is localized in Copenhagen. They had their first class in 2020.
Dance Movement Therapy Association Denmark was formed with the purpose to create a center for all DMT professionals and to those with an interest in the field. A center that provides ethical guidelines and professional standards of dance movement therapy. A place to meet and inspire each other. From the very beginning it has also been important to be connected to EADMT in order to ensure professionalism and quality within the growing field.
The board consist of 5 members. The board holds regular meetings, and a general assembly once every year. We have two types of membership. Professional membership for people with a dance therapy education, and interest membership for anyone with an interest in the field of body, movement and therapy.
DMTAD is an associated member of EADMT.