5th International Conference of Creative Art Therapies “Space for Art Therapies” Prague, Czech Republic 24.-25.6 2022

5th International Conference of Creative Art Therapies

 “Space for Art Therapies”

Prague, Czech Republic 24.-25.6 2022


        Topic of the Conference: Breath


… And now hold your breath for a moment, stop breathing, for a while, yes… for a while, so… and now look around and try to express what you are experiencing, aware of, what you see or feel, choose your means of expression, but don’t breathe. If you’re starting to faint, panic, feel somatic pain, or experience other similar symptoms, that’s fine. It is a physiological response of your body to a lack of oxygen. Take a brush in your hand… or rather a musical instrument… no no no rather dance,   actually better get into action  – it’s a dramatic situation after all  or is it… don’t breathe, we see you…

Breath is a basic necessity of life. The need of which is most often overlooked. Why? As one of our physiological needs, it can be influenced by the will. In many situations, we “forget” to breathe. Are you still breathing? The world is currently drowning in a pandemic of a virus that has the power to suffocate a person. We suffocate by stress, work, loneliness, and strange relationships.  Many metaphors revolve around the breath, when we need to slow down we catch a breathe, when we make a change we feel something to be a breath of fresh air.  Breath is the object of pleasure, a controlled release of pain, it is a part of the process of birth and saving a life.   Breath is…

If you are starting to turn blue or change color that you are not used to, again it is a physiological reaction and a creative process of your skin… it is not unnatural, take a brush and… wait… why do you roll your eyes like that?   Calm down… who is your creative therapist? And how does s/he work with the breath in his/her modality? How does s/he intervene and what does she/he advise you? And why isn’t s/he here now?!

Breath is the topic of the 5th International Conference of Creative Art Therapies, Space for Art Therapies, traditionally held in Prague, organised by the common forces of four professional associations – The Czech Art Therapy Association (ČAA), The Music Therapy Association of the Czech Republic (CZMTA), The Czech Dance and Movement Therapy Association (TANTER) and The Association of Czech Dramatherapy (ADCR). Come and share with us your valuable experiences from your practice, theory and research in the field of Creative, Art and Therapies. Breathe life into the conference program!

Conference fee:

  • Early bird, until March 15: 155 EUR (3 600 CZK) for non-members/ 140 EUR (3 200 CZK) for members of one of the organizing associations
  • Full price, after March 15: 180 EUR (4 200 CZK) for non-members/ 160 EUR (3 700 CZK) for members of one of the organizing associations
  • The conference is accredited by Association of Clinical Psychologists of the Czech Republic.

Conference organizational team: Beate Albrich (ČAA), Anna Neuwirthová (CZMTA), Marta Lebedová (TANTER) a Viktor Dočkal (ADCR).

We thanks for support to Kateřina Křížková and Vladimír Halada.


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