GA Helsinki 2023


General Assembly 2023
in Helsinki, Finland

Saturday October 7th 11:30 – 18:30 &
Sunday, October 8th, 10:00 – 15:00 local time (CET+1)

Saturday / October 7th, 2023     11:30 – 18:30

11.30 Convene

  1. President’s welcome & opening of the 2023 General Assembly (GA)
  2. Movement welcome
  3. Acknowledgment of appropriate invitation
  4. Ensure quorum of meeting: 1/3rd of all Full Members must be present = 6


  1. Call for Chair of GA (President unless otherwise agreed)
  2. Call Minutes keeper/scribe
  3. Acknowledge Financial Audit Committee
  4. Presentation & agreement of Agenda – topics & order of discussion
  5. Approval of GA 2022 Minutes – Matters arising from 2021 Minutes, a true and

accurate record of the Meeting                                                                        (Vote)

  1. Board’s report – including Actions – taken & suspended
  2. Treasurer’s report
  3. Auditing Committee’s report
  4. ERASMUS + project
  5. Discussion arising from reports
  6. GA approval of business and activity of the Board 2022 – 2023 (Vote)

LUNCH 14:00 – 15:00

  1. Report of Ethical Committee

Updated ethical code                                                                                                          (Vote)

  1. Membership Committee Report Indra & Mette

Update of membership renewal in Rules and Procedures                                                (Vote)

New member of the membership committee                                                            (Approval)

Proposals I + II Treasurer                                                                                                    (Vote)

  1. Re-election of board member Izabele Guzek (treasurer)

(secret ballot)                                                                                                    (Vote)

  1. Vote for new board member: to be proposed Indra-Majore-Dusele

(secret ballot)                                                                                                    (Vote)

  1. Acknowledgment of outgoing board member Elli Kita

Break 16:30 – 17:00

17.00 – 18:30

Reports from working groups: (10 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for questions) –

  • Conference WG – Reflections and Summary of Berlin Conference 2022
  • Communication WG
  • Research WG
  • State Recognition WG

18:30 End of Day

Sunday / October 8th, 2023    10:00 – 15:00

10:00 GA convenes

  1. Agenda of the morning agreed
  2. New Board informs GA of official roles and responsibilities (Approval of the GA)
  3. Report from working groups: (10 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for questions)
  • Global Affiliation WG
  • Training Standards WG

Continuous Professional Development presentation, discussion                                  (Vote)

  1. Working Groups meetings 11:30 – 12:30

LUNCH 12:30 – 13:30

  1. Summary of working groups and actions for the upcoming year 13:30-14:00
  2. Experiential on creative communication between the working groups 14:00 -14:30
  3. GA 2024: Discussion on the organization of the GA in 2024 and 2025.
  4. Place and dates for the conference 2026 (Lithuania?)

15:00 End of GA