Perceptions of young offenders towards a programme of dance movement therapy

Aims of research

To investigate the DMT experience from the perspective of young male adolescents labelled delinquent

Principal research question(s)

what are the adolescents' views and experiences of a DMT programme?

Principal findings

this is unavailable electronically but findings can be found in the publications of this study

Research Supervisors
Pat Sanderson
Client group
young people labelled delinquent
Nature of data collection
Ethical board approving research
University of Manchester and Aycliffe community facility, education centre secure unit
Research design
qualitative case study
Registered Academic Institution
University of Manchester
Academic level of research
Related publications by members of research team
Payne, H. (1999) The Use of Dance Movement Therapy with Troubled Youth. In: C. Schaefer (ed) Innovative Psychotherapy Techniques in Child and Adolescent Therapy, pp 30-60. New York, John Wiley Interscience. Revised Second edition.
Payne, H. (2003) Shut in, Shut out: movement therapy with young people labeled delinquent (a psychodynamic perspective) In: H Payne (ed.) Dance Movement Therapy: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge. Seventh reprint