What is Dance Movement Therapy (DMT)?
DMT is defined by the European Association Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT) as ‘the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual and social integration of the individual.
1st Online DMT Science Café
Here we are!
EADMT Research Working Group invites you to join
the first Dance Movement Therapy Online Science Café
‘What is this thing called embodiment? Embodiment and Dance Therapy’
with Prof. Dr. Sabine C. Koch,
Psychologist and Dance Movement Therapist, BC-DMT, Director of the Research Institute for Creative Arts Therapies at Alanus University Alfter/Bonn, Head of the DMT Master Program at SRH University Heidelberg, Germany.
The lecture part will provide an overview of the diverse definitions of embodiment, focus on psychology, medical/health and cognitive sciences research, and then address DMT research and embodiment as a change factor/therapeutic factor. The lecture will be followed by discussions among participants in breakout rooms. The Science Cafe invites debate and exchange among dance therapy practitioners, researchers and students to increase dialogue and integration with related fields.
We are meeting on June 27 at 5 – 7 p.m (CEST) on Zoom.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Dance Movement Therapy Online Science Café
EADMT research group seeks to support and promote research in the field of DMT. We strive to connect interested parties and offer opportunities for networking and dialogue on research-related matters.
We are delighted to announce a new initiative, the Dance Therapy Science Café.
This online event will be open to all international DMT practitioners and researchers interested in discussing research-related topics with colleagues in an open and rather informal gathering. The event will take place through Zoom.
Each Science Café will address a specific topic. An experienced researcher will offer a short introduction to the theme, followed by discussions among participants in breakout rooms. The programme is meant to invite debate and exchange among dance therapy practitioners and researchers and increase dialogue and integration with related fields.
We aim to international collaboration between Dance Therapy Associations around the world and have been connecting with the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) and the Dance Therapy Association Australasia (DTAA). We are happy with the positive resonance so far and hope to find ways to host the DMT Science Café alternately with the American and Australasian colleagues.
This event will be an excellent opportunity to connect and communicate with DMT researchers around the globe. We hope for inspiring professional exchange and collaborations.
On behalf of the EADMT Research Committee,
Rosemarie Samaritter (PhD)
EADMT Research Working Group Coordinator
Coordinating team of the EADMT research working group: Terje Kaldur, Antonella Montelleone, Rosemarie Samaritter.
64 participants on Zoom.
On Sunday 27 of June the first online DMT Science Café was organized by the EADMT research group. The organizing committee, Antonella Monteleone, Terje Kaldur, Rosemarie Samaritter had set the scene for an online meeting through ZOOM.
The idea was to offer a space, where DMT researchers can connect and discuss research related topics. There was much interest in this open access event already on beforehand. Prof. Dr. Sabine Koch presented on the concept of embodiment in relation to DMT research. The presentation was followed by animated discussions between the sixty-four participants on related topics in the breakout rooms. We plan to continue this format in collaboration with international colleagues from the research groups of the American Association for Dance Therapy and the Australasian Association for Dance Therapy. A next DMT Science Café will be organized by the American colleagues and after that by the AustralAsian colleagues. This way we hope to provide a global platform for research related ideas in the field of DMT.
DMT is defined by the European Association Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT) as ‘the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual and social integration of the individual.